We Are The Shimmering Spectrum

A collection of critters sharing an existence

Main Fursonas

Sovrim Terraquian

  • 💚 they/them

  • Chameleon/salamander hybrid

  • An androgynous amphibian. The main entity for most of the last decade.

  • A rough idealization of my human self: Confident, playful, curious and with a smooth-skinned body that defies an obvious, ironclad gender role.

  • Most comfortable when lazing on a heat rock and doing some light socializing.

Shira Frozenmoon

  • 🤍 shi/hir

  • Spectral dragoness

  • My fursona prior to Sovrim, dating from the mid-2000s.

  • Increasingly a critter I identify with: Contemplative, creative, and very comfortable in hir femininity.

  • Most comfortable being introverted and doing mentally demanding things, especially creative work and problem solving.


  • 💙 she/her

  • Kobold alchemist

  • Initially from a Pathfinder campaign in the mid-2010s.

  • Always curious, playful, mischievous. Will often cause trouble on purpose if she's bored, but rarely will try to hurt someone who doesn't deserve it.

  • Most comfortable when scurrying about and most likely to be highly social.

Kairi Kitefin

  • 💜 she/her

  • Kitefin shark

  • Gamer girl who relishes in being a feminine apex predator.

  • Assertive and likely to take charge of any situation she can. Will take down bullies with ease, likely by hacking their computer. Will also indulge consenting partners who want a big bad sharkgirl.

  • Most comfortable in situations where being assertive or calling someone on their BS is useful. Also tends to come out in intense gaming sessions.

Other Characters

Azure Ebonwing

  • 🐲 he/him

  • Dragon

  • The answer to the question "What's the hottest character I can imagine?"

  • Assertive. Dominant. Physically and mentally fit. Knows what needs to be done and will not hesitate to do it or tell you to do it.


  • 🤖 it/its

  • Self-augmented kobold

  • What happens when you take Shadowrun-style augments to their logical conclusion?

  • Rule of cool applies above all else. The least sexual of my characters, mostly as it's too busy doing interesting things for the sake of keeping its brain at full speed.


  • 🖤 he/him

  • Demonic narwhal

  • The granter of your darkest wishes and desires.

  • Like an evil genie, he will give you exactly what you want and twist it for his benefit and pleasure. A pure Sadist.

Mala & Chrys

  • 💚 he/him & she/they

  • Entertainment lizards

  • Unrelentingly playful and horny teases.

  • Will indulge any of your kinks, no matter how weird, dark, or seemingly impossible. But they're still going to give you love, respect, and aftercare when you're done.


  • 🐞 he/him

  • Goliath Beetle

  • Asexual and stoic. A peaceful guardian of mental health. Likely to be found sitting in contemplative thought or meditating, unless someone asks him for advice or wants to confide something in him.

The Author

  • 👤 they/them or it/its

  • Human

  • The creature in meatspace that is responsible for writing on behalf of the others. Often thinks of itself as a shell for the others to use when appropriate, yet still learning to hand over control when it really would be beneficial.

  • Frequently writes things from the other members of The Spectrum to serve as motivation to the group.